10% Discount on $500 orders or more

The plants listed are plants that we are growing here at Melport Meadows, but "growing" doesn't necessarily mean that we have those plants at a size that is yet ready for retail sale.
Our Inventory
The plants listed are what we are growing here at Melport Meadows, but "growing" doesn't necessarily mean that we have those plants at a size that is yet ready for retail sale. As our plants wake up throughout the springtime, we'll be updating availability. We'd love to be able to include available sizes and pricing, but that's proven to be too impossible for many reasons, and the sizes are ever-changing since plants are living, growing things and never static.
We update inventory once per year in mid-winter. As we get new items through the season or run out of items, we can't keep this list up-to-date. However, most plants on the list are available at Melport Meadows, but please feel free to contact us about availability.
Trees - Evergreens
Trademarked Plants
Excludes Individually Priced Items​
1 Gallon -- $15.97
2 Gallon -- $24.97
3 Gallon -- $30.97
5 Gallon -- $44.97
7 Gallon -- $60.97
10 Gallon -- $77.97
Deciduous Shrubs - Vines
Excludes Larger & Older Stock which is priced as marked​
1 Gallon -- $10.97
2 Gallon -- $17.97
3 Gallon -- $27.97
5 Gallon -- $38.97
7 Gallon -- $53.97
10 Gallon -- $66.97
We have a huge selection of perennials:
Most 1-gal -- $7.97
Most 1 1/2-gal -- $8.97
3" Perennials -- $4.97
5" Perennials -- $5.97
Hosta Prices are priced from $8.97 to $18.97
Trademarked & Special Perennials
Priced by Variety
Bleeding Heart -- $9.97; $15.97; $18.97
Hardy Hibiscus -- $29.97
Liqularia -- $$15.97; $16.97
Astilbe -- $9.97; $10.97
Grasses & Daylilies -- $9.97 (Small); $17.97 (Large)
TM Ornamental Grasses -- $13.97 (Small); $21.97 (Large)
Peonies -- $22.97; Bartzella -- $39.97
Peony Tree -- $57.97​​
We have all types of edibles, from fruit trees to berry plants and bushes, and from grapes to asparagus. Our Potted Fruit Trees & Plants:
Apples - 5-gal
Apricots, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Tart Cherries, Sweet Cherries
Grapes - 3 gal
Raspberry and Blackberry Plants - 2 gal
Gooseberry plants - 3 gal
Strawberry Plants - sold in packages of 10, 25, 50, 100. Everbearing - 10, 25
Asparagus - sold in packages of 5, 10, 25​
1 gal
Large pots - will make good-sized plants this year
2 gal
3 gal
5 gal
Also available: Hazelnuts, Currants, Highbush Cranberries, Chinese Chestnuts, Walnuts, and Aronia (Black Chokeberry)
